Galvin Restaurants

Galvin Hop

Three temperature controlled arched wine walls located between Galvin La Chapelle and Galvin Hop. The spaces provide secure storage for the restaurants wine lists.

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Client: Galvin Hop

Materials: Oak with a dark finish

Capacity: 200+

Location: Galvin Hop, Central London

Project Information


At Sorrells Custom Wine Rooms, we specialise in creating functional and elegant wine storage solutions. Our project at Galvin Bistro in Spitalfields is part of a larger endeavour for Galvin restaurants, which also includes two additional wine cellars at Galvin La Chapelle next door.

Our contribution to Galvin Bistro consists of three temperature-controlled arched wine walls, crafted from Oak with a dark finish. Each wine wall has double-opening bespoke doors and feature ironmongery. The wooden racking was custom-built to fit the space, holding over 200 bottles across the arches. The racks combine traditional next protruding holes with a row of angled displays for a balanced look.

Strategically positioned in the hallway adjacent to the bar, these wine walls offer a compelling view for guests sitting at the bar or walking past. This design not only enhances the atmosphere but also adds to the functionality of the venue by housing a wide range of wines. Through this project, we’ve once again achieved our goal of seamlessly combining utility with visual appeal, adding value to the Galvin restaurant brand.